Thursday, March 13, 2014

Hair loss...

When hearing your child has cancer and they have to go through chemotherapy to treat the cancer, one of the first things you wonder is, "Will she lose her hair?" Yes. Yes she will. I think this part of cancer treatment has been one of the hardest for us. Not only for Lilly, but for Jay and I as well. To watch Lilly change:

                   From this...                               To this...

                  To this...                                    To this....                                                       

All within a one month period. It has been quite the transition for all of us. Last night Lilly asked us to shave her head finally. She was afraid of the shaver in the beginning, but she got tired of losing so much hair and having it be so itchy. Just before bed she hugged me and cried, "Mom, I miss my long hair!" That tore at my heart strings!! :'( I feel so sorry for her. She still wants to be girly. And pretty. AND SHE IS!! But, it's hard to convince a six year old that even though she looks different, she's still beautiful. She's still the same Lilly on the inside. So, when you see my Lilly, make sure you tell her how beautiful she is - even without hair.


  1. What a beautiful little girl. She still has her beautiful smile, spunk and attitude. I love you Lilly and you are so beautiful.

  2. I love the tender picture of Lilly and Emery! Emery loves her sister so much! They have been so cute together just being sisters. They are so good for each other! Love my girls so much!

  3. Please give Lilly this message from me....

    Lilly you are and inspiration to me. You are so strong. You are going through so many difficult experiences and yet you still have a smile! That smile lights up the world around you. You are so beautiful inside that your not having any hair right now is nothing compared to the bright beautiful smart smily girl you are. Who you are does not not change. You are still my sweet niece whom I love so much. Thank you for always being you no matter what you are going through. You are helping so many people right now even though you don't know you are. I can't wait to see you!!! Glad you are doing so well. We are always praying for you so that you can be strong and get healthy again. Love from your Aunt Sherrie and Uncle Bill
