Friday, February 28, 2014

Helping the Cause

I know that many friends and family have been offering help or asking what they can do.  One thing that I have realized is the constant need for blood and platelet transfusions.  Lilly has received at least 6 units of blood and 8 platelets.  I know in the past that people could donate their blood or platelets in Lilly's name. They however, no longer offer that since the blood goes through a very rigorous cleaning process.  So, if there is one thing I may suggest, it is for those of you that are HEALTHY and willing to donate for the cause.  Even if it's just in your area, the blood offered will go to help others that are in need.  One thing I was not aware of, is the fact that platelets only last for 10 days.  May I just give a shout of GRATITUDE to all those unknown donors that helped my Lovely Lilly feel better.  I was just amazed at just how much change was apparent when she received her first blood transfusion.


  1. I can't believe the change in Lilly! It sure took a toll on her, poor little dolly! I am so glad you were persistent and kept trying to get answers! Love you brave girl!!! Grandma loves you so much!

  2. Glad that you was able to find the answers to why she was so sick. Wish this wasn't the answer but grateful you know and she can get better. We love are sweet Lilly and the bravery that she is showing.

  3. My sister Kirsten has a very special type blood. I can't rember why. I think it has to do with the type and the antibodies she wondered if she could donate directly to Lilly so I guess your post answers that. She does however give often because she knows gets is very valuable treating kids in need.
